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Battlecraft: 3.3.5 custom experience


joined: Feb 8, 2012
messages: 103
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Location: SQL, DBC - Map creator (Noggit)
Credits: 20
Battlecraft: 3.3.5 custom experience LF DEVS


Battlecraft is a solo project so far that I have been working on for some time. Now I feel like I need some assistance to make this server happen. I'm a SQL dev, Noggit dev, some knowledge in c++ and know my way around developing wow. But I would need some help to create things faster and it's always nice to work with a team that enjoys the same things I do.

Anyway, my aim is to create a fully custom server with both PvP and PvE mixed together. All maps will be custom made by our team and custom gear, items, dungeons, and events will also be included in Battlecraft.

The project's progress so far is the first map called Valeguard, which will be the center of the server where you gather experience and gear from monsters and honor/tokens from your faction foes. Armor and weapons will have low stats but still a bit higher than Blizzlike. Max level is 45 for now.

The server is currently up and running on a "dev" VPS for the time being until we move on to either a stronger VPS or a dedicated server. The hosting is paid by me.

I'm looking for a developer that is good with dungeons, raids, and scripting. I'm also looking for a developer who is good with Noggit and in-game building/prop adding. If you think you have something to offer as a developer, message me on my discord channel. Also, anyone is welcome to join our chat room to follow our progress:

(You can see the servers progress, screenshots, and updates on our discord channel)​


I'm currently recruiting:

Core Dev
You must be good and proficient in C++ and Trinity API
You must have experience using professional tools (Github etc.)
You have done some work in past either for the Trinity API or other C++ scripts
You don't have to be extremely experienced as this is not a paid position (at the moment) so if you're still learning, no problem.

You must be familiar with your field. Your queries must be clean, efficient, and they must be able to be re-run an infinite number of times without fail or duplication.
I would like to have someone with more than just basic experience on this as it's an important position in my opinion. If you wish to apply as a SQL dev I would require some type of showoff from previous work (local is ok)

Noggit Dev/Builder
Please show me your previous work (local work is enough) screenshots, video, etc. You should be creative, open for new inspirations, fresh-minded, and work well in team (me) and possibly other Noggit Dev/Builders.

As said, you don't have to have the top experience to apply. I myself are still learning new stuff and would just be thankful to have a team to develop a wow world with.


Here are a few screenshots of our early work. Please keep in mind that what you see is in very early development:


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Teacher of everything
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Good Luck Bro!

/vouch - this guy knows what he does.


joined: Feb 22, 2009
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I've always found in my experience if you're doing anything that requires a custom client that people tend to just not do it unless you've already got a large audience, and even then you can kill your server.

Maybe times have changed nowadays, but i don't know, the custom maps etc seem like they'd require a custom patch in order to play.


joined: Feb 8, 2012
messages: 103
Reaction score: 1
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Location: SQL, DBC - Map creator (Noggit)
Credits: 20
Good Luck Bro!

/vouch - this guy knows what he does.

Thank you bro!

I've always found in my experience if you're doing anything that requires a custom client that people tend to just not do it unless you've already got a large audience, and even then you can kill your server.

Maybe times have changed nowadays, but i don't know, the custom maps etc seem like they'd require a custom patch in order to play.

Yes, patches are required as it's custom items, maps etc. To be fair, yes, many turn away when they see that a custom patch is required because they're not interested in custom content. But that is not the community I'm looking for.
I know there's a lot of people that enjoy new custom content and won't care if the client requires a custom patch.. (most "funservers" require patches to download, both required patches and optional patches)

I don't see why a custom patch would kill my server. In my opinion, a blizzlike server nowadays is more likely to die faster.


joined: Feb 8, 2012
messages: 103
Reaction score: 1
Points: 18
Location: SQL, DBC - Map creator (Noggit)
Credits: 20


joined: Feb 8, 2012
messages: 103
Reaction score: 1
Points: 18
Location: SQL, DBC - Map creator (Noggit)
Credits: 20