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  1. LitchLight

    Lootable Players LUA (LitchLight-III)

    Here's the un-obfuscated code from my lootable players script presented because it is lovely to see AC-Web up again! Video is poorly edited but shows it working. Have fun The code is in parts sorry - 10,000 CHARACTER LIMIT IS NOT ENOUGH!!! Paste it all into one file and save it into your...
  2. Demure

    pve content developer C++/LUA/SQL

    Looking for developers interested in doing preferably boss scripting or other pve content. Payment is good, dm me here or contact my Discord: demure69
  3. JadaDev

    Eluna [TrinityCore] Reviving Script [Areas]

    This script will revive the player whenever he gets killed by a creature or Self Reflected Damage in specified Area. This script was made by JadaDev. It works on specified Areas of your pick you can add more by adding Instant Revive in Mall : Reviving in Dungeon : When revived ...
  4. Dinkledork

    Mythic Plus Lua

    This is a basic mythic Plus Lua Script I've been working on. This is part 1 that handles scaling mobs. You can add specific map ids and additional multipliers for low level dungeons. The script does modify creature levels to always be three levels above the player. Please also use my spell dbc...
  5. AlerionDev

    [WTS] Entire PVP Zone - Lua Script.

    Complete System: An Intelligent teleporter NPC, sending players to random starting points, preventing him from getting caught in ambushes, it also receives an invisibility buff, for extra security. The npc also has some extra options like: • Title Seller, using previous title + tokens to be...
  6. WiFiHaxR

    Lua L.M.S

    This event will teleport all participating players to a designated arena. The players will then fight each other, and the last player alive wins the event. Once the event is over, all participating players will be teleported back to their original locations. local EVENT_NPC_ENTRY = 658 local...
  7. WiFiHaxR

    Lua CTF

    In this event, players will have to capture the opposing team's flag and return it to their base while protecting their own flag. The team with the most captured flags withn a given time wins. local EVENT_NPC_ENTRY = 70000 -- Replace this with the entry ID of the NPC you want to use for the...
  8. WiFiHaxR

    Lua K.o.t.h Event

    In this event, players will have to fight their way to the top of a designated hill or area and hold their position against other players. The player who manages to hold their position for the longest time wins. local KING_OF_THE_HILL_NPC_ENTRY = 60000 local KING_OF_THE_HILL_ZONE_ID = 0 local...
  9. WiFiHaxR

    Lua Event

    This script creates a scavenger hunt event where players need to find and interact with hidden objects in a specified zone. When a player finds all the hidden objects, they win the event and receive a reward item. local SCAVENGER_NPC_ENTRY = 90001 -- Replace with the NPC entry for the scavenger...
  10. JadaDev

    [Trinity] [LUA][3.3.5][WOTLK]Leveling Bonus Script

    You need to run the SQL file than add the LUA script inside your LUA_scripts folder. The table can be found in world database under the name 'z_leveling script' You could give multiple items by seperating them with comma (,) remember that you also need to add counts and the comma too exp : item...
  11. Dinkledork

    Stygian's Buffer NPC in Lua

    This is a lua conversion of the Stygian Core mod with my own small tweaks. Upon interacting with said npc he'll give you buffs based off your level. Drop the file in your lua_scripts folder and run the sql in acore_world for the npc. Then .npc add 400117 wherever you want in game. You can enable...
  12. Valberlimabr

    [LUA] Detailed chat log system with eluna lua engine

    Today I come to share with you my first script for eluna, its function is simple and straightforward, it creates two log files in the core folder, where it saves the detailed log of the players' chat, quite useful to detect malicious players and check if you are breaking any rules on your...
  13. JadaDev

    [Trinity] [TrinityCore][LUA] Reviving Script [Areas]

    This script will revive the player whenever he gets killed by a creature or Self Reflected Damage in specified Area. This script was made by JadaDev. It works on specified Areas of your pick you can add more by adding Instant Revive in Mall : Reviving in Dungeon : When revived : AreaID...
  14. W

    [WTS] Unique lua Eluna scripts

    Some of my work available in the website below. Feel free to contact me via Discord Meliselle#1042 for more information or further requests :) Website 10% off all products Code: acweb10